Specialized master’s degree : Introduction

Specialized Master’s Degree, what is it?

In general, a Specialized Master’s Degree is a two-year program that awards 120 ECTS credits. It’s important to note that each semester earns you 30 ECTS credits, and since a master’s program consists of four semesters, you accumulate 120 credits to obtain the degree.

When pursuing a Specialized Master’s Degree, you have two options. You can either directly join a specialized master’s program in your field or you can start with a general first year and then specialize in the second year of the program. The second option allows you to explore various specializations and be more versatile. Depending on your field, you can specialize in a discipline that interests you. For example, in my case, studying communication, I could specialize in event management, political communication, graphic design, marketing, sports communication, luxury, international communication, and more.

When deciding to pursue a Specialized Master’s Degree, you can choose to attend a private school or a university.

Specialized Master’s Degree, what are the possible study formats?

It is possible to pursue a Specialized Master’s Degree in full-time mode, either as an initial or continuing education program.

Some programs offer the option to study in an alternating format, where you can complete the second year of the program through an alternating work-study arrangement. However, not all programs offer this option, so it’s important to carefully choose your program if you wish to pursue an alternating year.

Some Specialized Master’s Degree programs can be pursued through distance learning, but this is not the case for all programs. In general, it is advisable to opt for in-person studies in most fields to gain practical experience. Using my example again, as a communication master’s student, we constantly work in teams on projects to apply what we have learned in class. It makes sense that this type of program is predominantly offered in an in-person format.

Specialized Master’s Degree, where are the institutions located in France?

There are many schools in France offering Specialized Master’s Degree programs. You can find them in business schools, engineering schools, journalism schools, communication schools, Sciences Po, and universities. Naturally, you will find a greater number of programs in major cities such as Paris, Lyon, Lill

Specialized Master’s Degree, how does the training process work?

Specialized Master’s Degree, registration and admission?

To enroll in a Specialized Master’s Degree program, the application process is typically based on a dossier review or entrance examination. The process may vary depending on whether you are applying to a university or a school.

  • Scenario 1: You submit your application dossier (grades, motivation letter, letters of recommendation, CV, etc.), and if shortlisted, you will be invited for an interview.
  • Scenario 2: You submit your application dossier, take an entrance examination, and if successful, proceed to the interview stage.
  • Scenario 3: You take an entrance examination, and if you pass, you move on to the interview stage.

In essence, you may encounter these different procedures. It’s important to note that some Specialized Master’s Degree programs have their own specific application forms and requirements. They may ask you to fill out a form that will serve as the basis for the interview or inquire about your thesis topic plans, for example.

As mentioned, the specific procedures may vary, but in general, the emphasis is on your motivation. This means that your motivation letter and interview play a crucial role. When all other aspects of the application are equal, it is the most motivated student who is selected. Therefore, do not neglect your appearance during the assessments and strive to demonstrate your determination. You need to market yourself, showing why they should choose you over others while remaining honest and natural.

Additionally, your application dossier will also be considered. While motivation is the decisive criterion, your dossier serves as evidence of your skills and competencies. So, do not take your previous academic journey lightly.

Each educational institution operates differently. Some Specialized Master’s Degree programs allow you to apply as early as March/April, while others have later deadlines. In general, interviews are conducted in May/June, so be prepared. Regarding schools, there are multiple entrance exam sessions, so carefully check the dates and prepare for the tests.

Be aware that some highly sought-after Specialized Master’s Degree programs may have very short application periods, so it is essential to thoroughly check the deadlines.

Specialized Master’s Degree, what are the programs offered?

Specialized Master’s Degree programs are offered in Engineering schools, Computer science schools, Business schools, and Universities. The programs typically span four full semesters. Each Specialized Master’s Degree has its own specific courses, but the study pace remains similar, with group work and lectures. It is also possible to spend a semester abroad.

Assessment is most often based on project work.

Specialized Master’s Degree, am I suitable for it?

You will encounter individuals who have completed at least a bachelor’s degree (Bac +3). However, students in this program come from various backgrounds. For example, in my case, I am studying alongside students who have completed studies in law, applied foreign languages (LEA), tourism, as well as students from business schools. Additionally, there are those who have been part of the program since the first year and are continuing their studies.

Profiles vary greatly in all cases. I transitioned from university to a school, and I must admit that some stereotypes hold true. However, you can find people with arrogant or confrontational attitudes anywhere, so I would say the diversity of individuals is quite broad.

Indeed, we encounter both introverted and extroverted individuals, those with strong political engagement and others who are indifferent, strict and creative individuals, and so on. In summary, it is the diversity of people that makes our studies even more interesting.

Specialized Master’s Degree: What to do next?

Specialized Master’s Degree, what are the average salaries after completing the program?

In general, salaries can vary widely depending on the field of specialization. However, they typically align with the salary ranges for individuals with a BAC +5 / +6 level of education.

Specialized Master’s Degree, what are the career prospects and job opportunities after completing the program?

The career prospects and job opportunities after completing a Specialized Master’s Degree program depend on the specific field of study. Some individuals may pursue a doctorate directly, while others may seek to enter the job market. However, having a BAC +5 degree is generally advantageous when aiming for positions with more responsibility.

Additionally, having earned ECTS credits, you have the opportunity to work abroad. In this case, I recommend obtaining certifications such as TOEFL or TOIEC to demonstrate your English language proficiency.

Specialized Master’s Degree, what further higher education options are available after completing the program?

As a general progression, most individuals choose to enter the job market after completing a Specialized Master’s Degree program. However, you may also decide to pursue a doctorate, particularly if your Mastère is aligned with that path. Alternatively, you can opt for a “Specialized Master’s Degree” program in a specific discipline, such as in a business school, to further specialize in one year. But once again, in most cases, individuals seek employment as the next step.



